Project Resound Challenge
My Role
Project Director
Project Duration
2.5 Days
In the game of life, it could be said that the people here have been dealt difficult hands time and again, yet they are doing their best to persevere through faith, love and sheer determination.
During a Project Resound Challenge in Allendale, South Carolina we found a rural community that was poor in funds, yet rich in spirit. Allendale County is the 10th poorest county in America according to census reports. We learned that it has undergone a series of disasters including being burned to the ground by General Sherman and it's lucrative cotton industry destroyed by the Boll Weevil in the 1900's. The city's economy went flat again after I-95 made Interstate 301 obsolete, and the community had recently experienced a tornado—Whew!
During the Design Challenge our team experienced the following:
Team Building
Community Immersion
Experiential Research
Identification Through Emotional Connection
Consolidation and Consensus building
Ideation through Lateral Thinking
Rapid Prototyping and Implementation
To visual our experiences we created a card game that was an analogy of opportunities versus resources in life. We interviewed residents and asked them to randomly pick a card and to write what they loved about Allendale on the front—we were touched by their heartfelt sentiments and shared them with others so to inspire more talking, thinking, and smiling.